foto cabecera

foto cabecera

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Teaching Unit


Subject: Art
This teaching unit is thought to be performed when the students are learning the topic "Machines" (simple and complex machines) in Science. In this way it contributes to the integrated curriculum where students learn in an integrated way.

Year: 3rd Year of Primary Education

  • To build a complex machine.
  • To understand the justification of the chosen materials and try to use them properly for the proper functioning of the machine.
  • To be able to sequence the steps in developing a task using the vocabulary for it.
  • To understand the importance of a work to understand concepts such as the functioning of a machine.

Subject content:
  • Creating a complex machine with gears.
  • Description of the procedure for the preparation of the machine.
  • Knowledge of how a complex machine with gears works.

Language content/Communication:
Gears, Wheel, Complex machine
-Verbs :
Cut, Glue, Colour, Cut, Work
-Instrucciones: Imperatives
Place the…(on/in/under)
Pierce the cardboard (box)
Discourse type:
Description and following of a procedure with instructions
Language skills
Reading, listening and speaking

Final task:
 To make a  complex machine using materials which will help them understand how a complex machine works

1. As a warming up/motivation activity, the students watch a tale about a music box.

2. The teacher asks the students which kind of machine the music box is (complex machine)
3. The teacher shows the students the final task they will have to do at the end that is not other thing that the mechanism of a music box (the gears).
4. The students watch a photopeach presentation with the vocabulary of the materials they need to bring the next day. They have to take notes.


1. The students watch the photopeach presentation again in order to put their materials on their desks meanwhile.
2. The teacher gives the students a worksheet with the working procedure of their task. (See Annex)
3. The students prepare  their machines that they are  going to decorate later in a personal and creative way.
4. The studentes design the picture that will spin  taking into account that the have to do two pictures because they are going to see both sides of the drawing.

1. The students bring their final tasks in order to show them to the rest of the students and enjoy.

General points
- The teaching unit starts from the students' previous knowledge
- It promotes interaction among students
- Reception and production tasks
- It promotes creativity
- Scaffolding is taken into account
Organization and class distribution
- Small groups
- Whole class group

3 sessions

Resources /materials
-YouTube presentation

-Photopeach presentation

-"My machine" worksheet 

Key competences
- Cultural and artistic competence
- Linguistic communication
- Autonomy or personal initiative
- Learning to learn
- Knowledge and interaction with the physical and natural world

Evaluation criteria
1.To be able to follow the instructions of both the preparation and the installation properly.
2. To be able to understand the functioning of the machine
3. To present the work on time
4.To show interest for a well done work
5. To be creative

Evaluation instruments
1. Obsevation
2. Final production
3.Evaluation of the teacher and the unit by the students.

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